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As a Congressman, Pat knows that it's not enough to support policies, you must take action to enact them. Pat has brought together communities around Ulster County to invest in a shared vision of our future. He's worked with leaders across the aisle to deliver tangible results and will take that energy to Washington.
Leveling the Playing Field
Working families and small businesses are suffering. Pat has fought greedy corporations, cut taxes, and brought jobs to New York. Pat has called out big corporations for overcharging customers, brought hundreds of jobs to Ulster county, and spearheaded the rehabilitation of a former IBM site, leading to over $200 million in investment in the region. All while never raising taxes and even cutting the gas tax by 50%, as residents suffer high prices at the pump.
In Congress, Pat's fighting inflation by going after price-gougers who are harming customers, guaranteeing middle-class voters get a tax cut, and making sure billionaires and big corporations pay their fair share. Pat will work with organized labor to guarantee better wages and protections for working families, pass paid family leave for all Americans, and ensure that equal work means equal pay.
Protecting our Foundational Freedoms
Pat took an oath to protect and defend our Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. As America now faces a coordinated domestic attempt to undermine our Constitution, we need leaders who will stand against extremism.
In Washington, Pat will fight to ensure reproductive rights for women, make sure the right to vote is protected, and guarantee Americans are safe. He will stand against a National Abortion Ban and fight to re-establish the protections guaranteed by Roe v. Wade. Pat supports the John Lewis Voting Rights Act and will make sure our right to vote is protected and enshrined. With the overturning of Roe v. Wade a number of core freedoms are under threat, Pat will work to make sure that every American can marry whoever they chose.
Keeping our community safe
Keeping our communities safe is the core role of government. Pat understands that we must tackle public safety both short-term and long-term to secure our communities. That's why as County Executive, Pat has increased funding to Ulster County's URGENT violent crime task force and bolstered Ulster's law enforcement funding. In Congress Pat has already voted for increasing law-enforcement budgets. Having carried weapons of war in combat Pat understands the devastating power they can inflict and has called for the passage of commonsense gun reforms including, red flag laws, assault weapons ban, and universal background checks. Pat is committed to increasing mental health and addiction recovery resources to make sure that those who need it get the help they require. As County Executive, he reinstated the County's Mental Health Department, bolstered funding for mental health services, and is building the county's first-ever 24/7 crisis stabilization center.